Auckland Chinese Methodist Church
Client: Auckland Chinese Methodist Church
Project Value: $3 million
Location: Penrose, Auckland
AULFON were awarded the contract for a multi story extension of the existing church hall and facilities. The new extension of the existing church facility now provides multiple offices and studios including a library which will provide a multi-use facility for church-goers.
Materials were carefully selected throughout the project. The beautiful weatherboard cladding is highly durable and low maintenance whilst the front of the building features unique tectiva panels, which add to the building’s artistic design. AULFON were presented with an unusual project when a large earthquake-damaged stained-glass window was gifted from a church in the South Island. It was successfully transported to Auckland and carefully restored before being installed in the building.
Although a straightforward extension, we were faced with a number of challenges, one of which was a request made by the client, and that was to ensure church processions and gatherings were uninterrupted during the entire period of construction, the challenge here was that not only were we responsible for maintaining the safety of our staff and contractors, but we also had to plan and co-ordinate the safety of the end users of the church throughout the entire construction phase.
Every task was carefully planned and executed to ensure we maintained safe fire escape routes through a live construction site as well as maintaining weathertightness and working with live services all whilst the facility was being extended.